We know that happy children learn best and so the wellbeing of all children is central to everything  we do at WCPS. We believe passionately in creating a learning environment that is caring, safe and one that is underpinned by our school HEART values.

HEART Values

We pride ourselves on our shared values and each week two children will receive a certificate in Celebration Assembly for demonstrating an example of one of our HEART values.

H– Honesty

We know the importance of always telling the truth.

E– Excellence

We are able to follow instructions and overcome a challenge.

A– Ambition

We are able to work well independently, we are self-motivated and produce our best work.

R– Respect

We uphold the school values and are respectful of others showing an awareness of their feelings.

T– Teamwork

We are able to work collaboratively and listen to our classmates.

There is a Kindness Tree in school as well and each week a leaf is added from each class to celebrate a child who has been particularly kind that week.

Culture of Wellbeing

All staff work together to ensure that the children are able to successfully deal with all matters affecting their happiness in the playground, interactions with their friends and their learning in the classroom. Circle Time in class, regular assemblies and carefully planned PSHEE lessons create opportunities for staff to connect with, understand and support our pupils. The curriculum covers life skills, strategies and knowledge to help our pupils make a positive contribution to the world, whilst supporting their  mental health and wellbeing.

House System

We understand the importance of belonging and each child is a member of one of our school houses; Kingsmere, Queensmere, Ravine and Bluegate. The children collect House Points for their house and each week the winning house will receive a cup in Celebration Assembly. Inter-house sporting fixtures take place throughout the year and in Year 2 children take on positions of responsibility, such as House Captains, Vice Captains, Swimming Captains and Football Captains.

School Charity

We recognise the importance of nurturing community-minded individuals who have an understanding of their social responsibility. In consultation with our parent body and the children, the Marine Conservation Society was chosen as our school charity. This choice is clearly synonymous with the next generation being extremely focussed on saving the planet and inevitably their future. We hope to engrain a greener agenda in our pupils and look forward to seeing how they tackle climate change in the future.


We maintain a robust culture of safeguarding at WCPS where every employee understands their responsibility in creating a safe environment for our children. All recruitment follows a thorough process and staff receive extensive training throughout their time with us. Our commitment to safeguarding permeates every aspect of school life and we have created a culture of vigilance within which staff are well prepared to identify the signs of a child in need. Each school has its own Designated Safeguarding Lead and we work closely with the Director of Safeguarding at King’s College School. The school follow all government guidance and ensures that safeguarding is a part of our everyday duty of care for all children.

Fundamental British Values

In line with guidance from the Department for Education, we embed the five pillars of Fundamental British Values through Assemblies and teaching in PSHEE. These values include:

  • Tolerance
  • Mutual Respect
  • Individual Liberty
  • Rule of Law
  • Democracy

The children are taught the difference between right and wrong from an early age, they understand why we need rules, the importance of respecting the beliefs and cultures of their peers and they recognise that they have a voice in school which will always be listened to.