House and Pastoral System
To encourage the pursuit of excellence, whether in sport or within the academic and pastoral life of the school, each boy joins one of four houses.
To encourage the pursuit of excellence, whether in sport or within the academic and pastoral life of the school, each child joins one of four houses.
The houses are named after one of the ponds of Wimbledon Common:
Children are given house points for acts of kindness, particularly good behaviour or notable academic achievement. They are highly motivated by this structure and quickly form an allegiance to their house. A sense of friendly fun and competition is evident as the house points are counted and the House Cup is awarded at the end-of week Celebration Assembly. The senior children serve as house captains and take great pride in overseeing the counting of eagerly-collected house points.
We have a school council with representation from each year group. They discuss fund-raising and represent the childs perspective on the developing life of WCPS. This benefits the whole school community. A recent discussion led to the purchase of a Friendship Bench which is now on the terrace, providing a space that the children can use when they would like another child to come alongside and provide friendly encouragement and support.
At WCPS we place great emphasis on kindness and care for others, on good manners and a tidy appearance. We encourage the children to be proud of themselves as individuals and to value the individuality of those around them. We appreciate our life together as a school community and seek to help the children thrive in this safe and secure environment.
We believe children prosper in every possible way when there is close co-operation between home and school. Parents are encouraged to be involved with the life of the school through home / school books, picking-up and dropping-off chats, more formal parent/teacher meetings, open mornings, class assemblies and school performances. Each family is a member of The Friends of Squirrels (FoS) and is invited to enjoy the many social occasions that this support group organise throughout the year.