Sport and Fitness
At WCPS we understand that physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, fosters the childrens' physical development and well-being.
Starting in Reception, there is a balance between individual, paired and group activities as we encourage co-operation, collaboration and competition in all we do.
In Key Stage 1 boys are taught by a specialist physical education teacher who is assisted by a full-time sports coach.
The children learn the specific skills involved in playing tag rugby, football, hockey and cricket. WCPS has a full programme of inter-school matches in football, tag rugby and athletics. Every boy plays competitive sports fixtures each term from Reception to Year 2. The high quality of teaching is reflected in the positive results against local schools.
The weekly teaching schedule is supplemented by a number of very popular extra -curricular sport clubs. The boys can join early morning sports club and/or after school sports clubs including: tag rugby, football, gymnastics, hockey, cricket and tennis. Through this comprehensive programme we trust that the boys will develop an enjoyment of physical activity and a lifelong interest in fitness.
Children learn to embrace the school sports motto ‘play to win, lose with a grin’.